Boiler Accessories
Boiler Accessories and Support Equipment
Improve energy efficiency and reduce cost with the proper boiler accessories to keep your boiler operating and peak efficiency.
Condensate Recovery
Cleaver-Brooks Condensate
Return System
Helps to improve energy efficiency, reduce chemical costs, reduce make-up water costs, reduce sewer system disposal costs, and meet environmental regulations by returning condensate back to the system.
Design: Simplex or Duplex / Single or 3-phase design
Size range: 10, 15, 25, 35 gallon capacity
Use: Steam and hot water applications

Fabtek Condensate Return System
Put condensate back into the system with Fabtek’s condensate return system. . All Duplex and Simplex Condensate Return Units include 304SS Tank, SS Vertical Flange Mounted Centrifugal Pumps, NEMA 1 Float Switch (Simplex) or Mechanical Alternator (Duplex) and SS Site Gauge Assembly. Pumps and tanks can be interchanged. 304SS receives a 20-year warranty against failure due to corrosion.
Design: Simplex or Duplex
Size range: 6 – 150 gmp or 2,500 – 37,500 PPH
Energy Recovery
Cleaver-Brooks Heat Recovery Solutions
Reduce costs and environmental impact by recovering waste heat or steam and using it for other system applications.
- Stack economizer – reduce fuel usage and cost by recovering heat from flue gases that would otherwise be wasted. Save up to 5% on your fuel bill with the use of an economizer. For systems with high make-up we recommend installing a two stage economizer. Two stage economizers include a second stage used to preheat deaerator makeup water, which can increase your boiler efficiency up to 95%.
- Condensing economizer – save on fuel costs and increase fuel-to-steam efficiency up to 90%

Cannon Boiler Works Economizers
Three major parameters are considered in evaluating all boiler economizers; 1) fuel type, 2) acceptable backpressure on the exhaust, 3) inlet water temperature. These will determine which of our following heat recovery product is best for you.
- Feedwater Heater – normally used on small boilers burning natural gas, and non-condensing flue gas environments. Inlet temperatures 150F to 250F
- Gas Condensing Water Heater – normally used on small and large systems burning natural gas, and condensing flue gas environments. Inlet temperatures 40F to 150F
- Heavy Duty Economizer – normally used on large systems burning dirty fuels, and non-condensing flue gas environments. Inlet temperatures 200F minimum
- On-Demand Economizer – fits where other systems will not. Normally systems burn natural gas, and condensing flue gas environments. Inlet temperatures 40F to 150F
- Dual Stage Economizer – used for heating two separate streams with the same economizer. Can be used on small and large systems burning natural gas, and condensing or non-condensing flue gas environments. Inlet temperatures 40F to 250F
Exhaust Solutions
We offer pressure sealed prefabricated boiler stacks designed to meet the code for forced draft boilers. These stack systems are a long lasting option to installing welded steel. Stacks are modular and factory pre-fabricated, employing a flanged joint design, allowing quick installation and pressure sealed performance. Stacks are furnished with a double wall design and made with stainless steel inner pipe. Offered with insulating air space or ceramic fiber insulation between the double wall material, these stack systems provide UL Listed clearances to combustibles. Each is furnished with layout drawings detailing all required fittings, including support and expansion allowance, providing for a complete, engineered venting system. All vent systems are UL, cUL listed, laser welding and ideal or commercial, industrial and institutional applications.
AMPCO Boiler Stacks
Offering single and double wall modular, prefabricated positive pressure venting system and high-efficiency appliance venting for special gas vents.
Single/ Double Wall
- Factory-built for high quality, durability and long life
- Stainless steel construction for superior strength over traditional materials used. On double wall Outer wall options of stainless or paintable aluminized steel
- Safety tested and listed to multiple UL chimney liner standards, signifying compliance with U.S. and Canadian codes UL 1777, ULC S635 (ref. installation instructions) Double wall (UL 103HT, 641, 2561; ULC C959)
- 5” to 48” diameters (ID) to fit the wide range of commercial applications and customer specifications
- 1400 °F maximum temperature rating (ref. NFPA 211)
- Array of components and accessories designed to make a complete installation simple and quick
- Backed by AMPCO’s industry-leading commercial/industrial warranty
High Efficiency Appliance Venting
Special Gas Vent
AMPCO models VSI/IVSI/N with special gas vent listing, are positioned to complement Heatfab Saf-T Vent® product by broadening the applications on commercial and industrial projects requiring large diameters, above 32” ID, specifications calling for double-wall construction with greater than 1” of insulation, and projects requiring a 2-hour fire rated chimney:
Ideal for boilers, water heaters and furnaces. ANSI Category I, II, III or IV appliances.
Features & Benefits
- Tested and listed to UL 1738/ULC S636
- Ability to expand offering up to 48” diameter (ID) to fit wide range of applications
- Zero clearance model featuring integral 2-Hour Fire Rating, tested and listed to UL 2221
- Single wall and double wall air/fiber insulated models
- Stainless steel material grade Type 316 inner wall, with several outer wall options